available in Strategic and Deluxe Editions
“Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein, we never had a defeat,” said Churchill about Bernard Montgomery. One of “Monty’s” ancestors was William the Conqueror’s knight, and his father was a priest.
Before the First World War, Montgomery served in Great Britain’s colonial forces, beginning the war as a lieutenant. In Ypres, he was severely wounded. The medic who tended to him was killed, and as a result, Montgomery was severely wounded again and lay under fire until nightfall. At the hospital, several hours passed before he was treated, since they believed his case was hopeless. It took him more than a year to recover, after which he returned to the front.
In World War II, his corps formed the rearguard during the evacuation from Dunkirk. He was later appointed to North Africa, where he fought the famous “Desert Fox,” Erwin Rommel.
Against the backdrop of Field Marshal Auchinleck’s famous order to avoid Rommel’s name – which for the Allies in Africa had become synonymous with fear – the conduct of the future Viscount of Alamein is admirable. When he arrived on the African front, his first action was to forbid his 8th Army’s retreat and to begin organizing its defences. In a mere two weeks, Rommel’s troops began a night offensive against the 8th Army, but when awoken with the news Montgomery mumbled, “excellent, excellent!” and fell right back asleep. In the ensuing five-day battle, Montgomery’s diligence, perseverance, and excellent planning resulted in victory.
He participated in combat operations in Sicily and Italy, then in the Operation of Normandy and the repulsion of the German offensive in the Ardennes. Montgomery was wounded twice during the fighting in France, and by the end of the war, he was the commander of an army group. On May 4, 1945, he accepted the surrender of German forces in Northwest Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
This commander pays close attention to the training and protection of tank destroyer crews and prefers additional tank armour. When defending, Montgomery relies on well-trained howitzer, machine pillbox, and AT gun crews, all carefully arranged in an ideal defensive line. When attacking, he uses scouts, incendiary shells, and tank reserves.
Reconnaissance AircraftRequest a reconnaissance plane, which can locate enemy forces on the map.Reconnaissance Aircraft: Supply Points required: less by 2
Large Smoke ScreenPrevents attacks within a certain range.Large Smoke Screen: Supply Points required: less by 1
Experienced SupplierMontgomery always paid close attention to supplying his own forces. Thanks to timely maintenance, all of his tanks are well-armoured, and all of his tank destroyers have increased health.Heavy Tank, Medium Tank, Light Tank: +15% ArmourTank Destroyer: +30% Construction Quality (Vehicles) / Endurance (Infantry)
Uses Advanced EnginesLight and mobile tank destroyers are now produced with twin engines, increasing their speed. Light vehicles now have modified machine guns with an extended shooting range.Tank Destroyer: +2 Movement speedLight Vehicle: +10 Shot range
A Stunning SuccessMontgomery considers every last detail to be important. He personally directs the delivery of new explosive shells to tank destroyer platoons. These shells can stun enemy units after a successful hit.Tank Destroyer: +20% Chance to stun
Walls at HomeFollowing commander's orders, the bunker walls are now cased with steel plates on the inside. Bunker crews are given ammo with a larger propellant charge, increasing the shooting range of all bunker guns.MG Nest: +15% Armour; +8 Shot range
The Harder the Training...Montgomery conducts shooting practice sessions for anti-tank crews. These greatly increase their rate of fire and accuracy range.Anti-Tank Gun: +10 Shot range; -40% Reload time
Combat FriendsThe experienced loaders on howitzer crews, who by now have been on many campaigns with Montgomery, are able to provide continuous fire on enemy positions.Howitzer: -40% Reload time